My first baby …

… watermelon!

See it? Over there, on the right?

It’s about 4 inches long. So cool! Like all proud moms, I’ll keep you updated on its progress. There are two more of them, but they’re not as big yet. One is only about as long as my little finger.

Squash update!

I’ve picked about a dozen so far and there are at least that many more on the vine. I just love squash.

Gardening is such a joy. If you haven’t given it a try then you’re just missing out on a rewarding experience.

This is my garden. It is very small.

Oh heck, who am I kidding, it’s tiny! But, it’s all mine and I like it.

Actually, I have another flower bed on the opposite side of the patio, next to my townhouse, that had Impatiens in it. But, the gutters are stopped up and I’m having a bit of trouble getting the condo board to send someone over to clean them out.

I keep getting the run-around about hail damage insurance claims and not enough units need their gutters cleaned out to make it worth it to hire someone to clean mine. In the meantime, my little flower bed of Impatiens that, in May, looked like this, β†’

now looks like this.Β  ↓

So sad. (Yes, I know my landscape lighting needs an update. In time, folks, In time.) Anyhoo, back to my gardening epistle.

I grew up on a farm where gardening was a requirement. I hated it! There really aren’t words for how much I hated working in a garden back then.

In all fairness, let’s put that in context. I was 10 through 17 years old, stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a quarter-acre garden and only my mom, my brother, and my sister and I to manage it. Do you have any idea what a quarter-acre garden looks like? It’s huge and way too much work for one grown up and three kids.

What were they (my parents) thinking? Okay, so my father would plow it in the spring, but then, it was up to us to plant and weed, and hoe, and water, and hoe some more. Exhausting work and for what? Okra? Lima beans? Spinach? Yuck. It was all food that I mostly couldn’t stand to eat back then. (Yep, I was an idiot but I still don’t like spinach, if it’s cooked. There’s a whole other story about me and spinach but let’s save that for another time.)

The point …

Gardening is an acquired taste. Not everyone likes to spend time digging in the dirt but, for those of us who do, it is a very rewarding experience.

A few more pics of my tiny garden …

Until next time, happy summer everybody!

Psst, one of these days, I’ll learn how to crop pictures evenly, but don’t hold your breath waiting for me to get around to it. πŸ™‚

33 thoughts on “My first baby …

  1. Your garden looks wonderful. I too have a vegetable garden. I am swimming in cucumbers and basil. The lettuce is done but the tomatoes are just starting to come in. It seems I have to share with some chipmunks who just take one bite. If I catch them, they will get an earful!


    • LOL. Luckily, only have to deal with a neighbor’s cat and a squirrel or two. Something, though, has helped itself to a couple of baby squash. I only have the one squash plant and one watermelon vine but plan to add a pole bean and maybe a couple of okra next summer. Oh, and a pumpkin, too.


  2. Oh, I was just talking with an acquaintance yesterday about the pleasures of eating a homegrown watermelon! What a lovely surprise in my reader feed to find your story about your beautiful small garden!

    My grandparents kept a victory garden for years. They grew wonderful watermelon. I don’t garden, although I aspire to beginner’s level gardening. Thanks for the inspiration!


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